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Keep persevering because great things happen when you do.

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At Persevering Word Church, we know that inspiration opens hearts. An open heart is an open mind and an open mind is one that can practice tolerance, experience gratitude and feel the glory of God. It is our belief that God is present in all of us, but His active presence can only be felt through faith in Him. We are dedicated to the service of God and all his people, and our goal is to inspire you through the holiness of our dwelling and our services. We invite you to become a part of our growing congregation.

Services & Events

Join us for Sunday morning worship starting at 10:00 a.m. Central Time On Our Persevering Word Church Facebook Page


Persevering Word Church FaceBook Page Virtual Live Service


Persevering Word Church FaceBook Page Virtual Live Service


Persevering Word Church FaceBook Page Virtual Live Service

The  Persevering  Nugget & Clips Of Sunday Messages

Pastor Everett gives quick persevering nuggets and Sunday Message Clips through out the week to teach others how to unlock their power to persevere in Christ. These nuggets are jammed packed with powerful tips, strategies, and proverbs that will challenge you into becoming your best self.  You are sure to be encouraged and inspired. What are you waiting for? Take a listen!

Listen to Our Latest Persevering Nugget

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a
cheerful giver.” 

2 Corinthians 9:7

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